John and I headed back to the doctor today to do the anatomy of the baby. The sonogram technician confirmed one more time that it is truly a boy. She did all kinds of measurements: head, heart, femur, lungs, belly, arms, etc. The baby is right on schedule and so am I. The baby is now weighs about 3/4 of an ounce and is about 10 inches long. My doctor told me that I had gained nine pounds and that was perfect. I guess I'm doing something right. John and I are still working on the baby room trying to get it all together. Maybe before long we will have the whole thing done. Here are a couple of sonogram pictures that we got today.
The top picture is of his spine and bottom one is just his cute little profile.
The top picture is of his arm raised up by his head and the bottom picture is one of his cute little foot. Isn't it just so adorable!!!
I love our technician. She takes the best pictures. This one is of his whole body and how he is in the fetal position.
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